Consider this - the latest studies by Horizon Asia Partners show that 85% of businesses aren’t making enough follow-up phone calls to potential customers. The same studies revealed that the average sales rep makes between 1.7 and 2.1 attempts to reach potential customers.
That Is Not Nearly Enough.
You’ve made a connection with a prospective new customer - identified their needs, matched your offering with those needs, discussed an indicative price, and furnished them with a proposal or an estimate. Following up with that potential customer is the key to a successful sale and your company’s growth. Managing the task of consistent sales follow-up calls can be tedious and time-consuming.
If your team only calls twice on average, it is not unlikely that you are losing a considerable amount of business to competitors while wasting valuable resources in the process. Saying that sales follow-up is an essential part of the overall sales process is very much an understatement.
The Horizon Asia Partners team will consistently make the necessary follow-up calls and emails to attain a higher closing rate.
Our track record shows that we have increased our client's closing ratios by as much as 63%.
Our track record shows that we have increased our client's closing ratios by as much as 63%.
Our highly experienced team familiarizes themselves with your products, services, unique qualities, and value proposition to customize a calling program.
Data cleansing is an effective way to validate and update your customer information, ensuring you always have accurate information in your database.